Now, we are providing you another compelling Reason Why You Should Consider Having A Mobile Friendly Website.
Last May 12, 2016, Google Finished Its Rollout for the Second Version of its Mobile Friendly UpDATE. It was announced by Google Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller and this was announced morning of the said date on twitter saying, The mobile changes mentioned here are now fully rolled out.
Google Already mentioned this last march of 2016 and according to them they are preparing to boost the mobile friendly algorithm in May. Technically, this means that the algorithm is designed to prioritize mobile friendly sites specially for mobile phones. For basic search users, this means that your search, or when you type something on Google search for any reason at all,it will be populated with websites that will work on mobile and desktop versions as well. Especially when you are using your mobile phones.
For us this is a very smart upgrade / update. I know and maybe you know how difficult it is to browse a website that doesn't fit your 4 inch screen. It is literally impossible to use so what i usually do is continue with my search until i get a website that fits my screen. May it be a mobile phone, ipad, laptop or whatever is available.
As a note, this update wont take effect instantaneously since the analysis is done on a per website basis or page by page signal. You still have al lot of time to upgrade your sites to mobile friendly or better yet mobile responsive websites
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